AgroWorld India 2026


  • 50+ Sessions
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  • 500+Exhibitors
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  • 50+Awards
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  • 10000+Delegates

India Food and Agriculture Powerhouse of the World

Global agriculture has witnessed a complete metamorphosis in recent decades with the intrusion of technologies and global participation. Agriculture remains the second-largest source of employment worldwide after the services sector. The global value-added generated by agriculture, forestry, and fishing grew by 68 percent in real terms between 2000 and 2020, reaching USD 4.7 trillion in 2020. Asia has emerged as a significant player. Asia was the main contributor to global agriculture showing an increase of 77 percent, from USD 1.2 trillion in 2000 to USD 2.9 trillion in 2020. The countries with the largest agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector in terms of value-added were China, India, and the United States of America. Global food production will continue to rise so as to cater to the burgeoning world population. In the backdrop of the world population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, food supplies need to increase by 60 percent.

AgroWorld India 2026
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  • AgroWorld India 2026

MS Swaminathan Dialogue on

Climate Change and Food Security

The planet is witnessing rapid change in climate in recent years. There are extremes of rains and temperature and change in weather and seasons. As a result, global food security is facing big challenge. Named after the great Indian scientist, Prof. MS Swaminathan, who played pioneering role in saving India from food starvation during late sixties through Green Revolution, this annual session will bring the global experts to deliberate upon the climate change and food security challenge, and draw up a road map to help the Governments, especially in developing and under developed countries to make policies and programs to deal with the challenge.

India ACABC Summit 2026

40,000 plus Agri-clinic and Agri-business Centres, created by the Ministry of Agriculture through MANAGE as Nodal agency, are playing a big role in bringing about a transformational change in the agricultural landscape of the country through delivery of products and services to farmers and establishing agribusiness projects at the village and district levels. ICFA is hosting their 2nd National Level Convention and invites you to be part of this exciting event.

  • Role of ACABCs in transforming agricultural landscape
  • Challenges and opportunities for ACABCs
  • Partnering with the FPOs, industry and institutions
  • Learning from Successful models to upscaling ACABCs

India FPOs Summit 2026

The creation of Farmer Producer Organisations addresses the long felt gap of having credible and competent institutions at the village and block levels to provide forward and backward linkages to farmers, partner with the industry and institutions to deliver products and services and leverage upon the power of aggregation to help farmers do better agriculture and realise better price of their produce. India has by now created 4000 plus FPOs against a target of 10,000, announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. Realising the participation all major stakehodler at the AgroWorld 2026, ICFA seizes the oportunity to organise India FPOs Summit 2026 to facilitate market linkages and partnerships among the FPOs, industry and institutions for synergies and mutual profits.

Objectives of AgroWorld

Objectives of AgroWorld Key Global Challenges -To discuss, sensitize and come up with strategies and actionable plans for collaborations and collective global efforts to address key challenge of food and nutrition security in the face of climate change and pressure on natural resources, the issue of agriculture sustainability, and restrictive trade practices etc.

Objectives of AgroWorld Technology and Investments - To provide a unique opportunity for interaction amongst key stakeholders namely government officials, experts, trade and industry CEOs, agri professionals, farmers, entrepreneurs, developmental and technology institutions to explore investments, technologies, marketing, and collaborations among themselves.

Objectives of AgroWorld Showcasing Opportunity - To provide a platform to the corporate, states, institutions, countries, industries, and international bodies to showcase scope and opportunities, latest products, advanced technologies, food and agribusiness models, logistics, products and services, global best practices and connect with farmers and Agri startups.

Objectives of AgroWorld Networking and Partnerships - To facilitate global companies for exploring opportunities for business and investments, technical and marketing collaborations, exports and partnerships, and signing of MoUs towards finding business partners, expanding business, increased value addition, trade, and agribusinesses.

Objectives of AgroWorld Policy Inputs and Knowledge sharing - To provide exposure, enrich knowledge, and generate policy inputs through technical seminars, international conferences, business dialogues, and interactions among Indian and foreign visitors, experts, farmers, entrepreneurs, industries, and business CEOs towards doubling farmers’ income.

Highlights of AgroWorld

  • Sprawling exhibition venue at IARI
  • World-class infrastructure
  • 40 sectors with specialized Pavilions
  • International Conferences
  • National and global participation
  • Meetings with top policymakers
  • B2B meetings and business facilitation
  • Global business dialogue sessions
  • Progressive farmers' workshops
  • India Global Agribusiness Summit 2026
  • India Agribusiness and Global CEOs Awards

Past Speakers

AgroWorld Pavilions

Seeds & Biotech Pavilion
Soil Health Pavilion
Farm Machinery Pavilion
Hightech-Horti Pavilion
Agrochemicals Pavilion
Micro Irrigation Pavilion
Bio-Products Pavilion
Agro-Processing Pavilion
Dairy Pavilion
Poultry Pavilion
Food Pavilion
Agri Pavilion
Spices Pavilion
Sugar Pavilion
Rice Pavilion
Edible Oil Pavilion
Fruits Pavilion
Organic Foods Pavilion
Cooperatives & FPOs Pavilion
Commodities Pavilion

Scope of Exhibits


    Breeds, feeds, meat products, poultry products, dairy products, fishery products, seafood, animal feed and health products etc..


    Farm machinery, micro irrigation agroprocessing, ICT, e - commerce, cloud computing, big data , IT solutions , agro technologies farmers services etc.


    Warehousing, Cold Storages, Logistics, Energy, Financing and Insurance Solutions,Wholesalers Retailers, E-Market, Import & Export


    Grains, cash crops, fruits & vegetables, seeds, edible oil, rice, pulses, spices, dried fruits & nuts, flowers etc..


    Agrochemicals, fertilizer, seeds, PGRs, bio - products, bio-stimulants, credit, insurance etc.


    Conventional foods, Instant foods, snacks, healthy foods, frozen foods, sea foods, canned foods, baby foods, RTE food, fruit juices, wines etc..

About ICFA

Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture is the apex body in India, working on the business, policy, and development agenda and serving as a global platform for trade facilitation, technology partnerships, and agribusiness services. ICFA analyses critical challenges emerging in Indian agriculture and proactively works on them as also identifying the opportunities for development, value addition, and international trade to accelerate growth in the food and agriculture sector globally. With its various Industry Working Groups and sector-specific Business Councils, ICFA represents the interests of key stakeholders at the national level and through its international platforms and partnerships, ICFA facilitates India’s engagement in the food and agriculture sector worldwide.

For Sponsorship & Exhibition

Mr. Tushar Sharma, Director ICFA

+91 8874184076


Mr. Ankit Kumar, Senior Manager

+91 7290088227


Office Address

Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture

B-Wing, 2nd Floor, Naurang House KG Marg, New Delhi - 110001

+91-11-41501465 , +91-11-41501475

Organized By